Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Compiling computers.?

Well, I hold an old Acer aspire and a Compaq presario.

The videocard on the compaq is shot, so i'm going to try and move the harddrive and disc players from the presario to the aspire. Not too difficult. Everything is plugged in where on earth it should be, both hard drives connected, boot it up, Equipment Configuration Error Pops up. When it comes up beside the configuration, I don't think it recognize either drive or the compact disc player, because if I skip it, it tells me to insert system disk even though Windows 98 is already on both drives.

Did I Miss a step, or what?

EDIT: oh, i forgot I also took the AMD K6-2 processor from the more powerful computer and installed it on the motherboard for the Acer. That is what cause the equipment configuration error, but it should still work.

Compiling computers.?

ok because the hardware is from a different computer , windows wont work on it , unless you reformat adjectives the drives, and reinstall the os, since windows looks at the current configuration to try , and run on , its faster to reformatt, and reinstall next try to fix all the hardware issues your goin to loop up with once you do bring back into the drives. if you can even get it to do it .. flush , and rinse reinstall

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