Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Can a dell 4700 be upgraded near a core 2 duo?

I know tha that usually a dell computer isn't very standards compliant but I heared that the subsequently 4700 models are. So far I've upgraded the ram, video card, hard-drive and power supply multiple times near no issues. What I don't know is if the motherboard (i915g express chipset/LGA 775 socket) supports the core 2 duo processors. They do according to intel's website and I have the most recent drivers but I'm still unsure if it will be recognized.

On a side document, I would also like to know if the motherboard will fit within an ATX case seeing as the dell standard is cramped and have horrible air flow (which sucks monkey balls).

Can a dell 4700 be upgraded near a core 2 duo?

okay im not sure about it fitting it into a regular ATX shield, but so long as the socket of the new cpu and the motherboard are alike and that the motherboard supports the new cpu, later u should be good to be in motion.

good luck!

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