I've have a celeron chip for long enough I want to switch it out for a Pentium 4 chip but will my motherboard pinch it?
Can I replace my Celeron Chip near a Pentium 4 chip in need switching out the mother board?
Almost always yes, but depending on your motherboard you might not know how to.
We just stipulation to figure out the model # of your motherboard and after look up exactly which p4 chips it will support.
If you have no perception or don't feel resembling looking it up you can assume with in the region of 90% accuracy that the chip will work.
Now it is far-reaching to note here that nearby are 2 types of celeron and p4 chips on the market right very soon. Socket478 and socket LGA775. They of course can not be switched out.
So if you press is: can I switch out a socket 478 celeron with a socket 478 p4, the answer is yes.
or: can I switch out a socket 775 celeron near a socket 775 p4 the answer is also yes.
But you definently can not switch out a socket 478 celeron with a socket 775 p4.
no because your cleron is probably socket 478 be pentium 4s are socket 775.
some pentium 4 have 478 socket similar to celeron. you can replace celeron with pentium 4 single if they have indistinguishable socket. read the manual to see or ask google.
if your motherboard suport it later yes try checking you motherboard i think at hand is a progam for it try on google for system cheker or something like that
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