Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Can anyone relieve me near my computer?

Everything comes up really huge on my computer approaching pop ups, and websites and everything i can't fit a whole pop up on my eyeshade and i tried to go to properties and everything but i dont know know to fix it. i want everything smaller so it fits on the eyeshade like a commonplace computer LOL. please help

Can anyone relieve me near my computer?

Start, Control Panel, Display, Settings tab, consequently use that slider in the lower gone to change your peak resolution. The standard ones are 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024.

Hope this helps
Did you know what to do contained by properties?

If not, go hindmost to properties, go to settings, and move the the slider right underneath where it say screen resolution adjectives the way to the right.

If that didn't work, try holding down controll, and moving your mouse helm up (away from you).
You need to angle your resolution. Its probably not set to the recommended value. This should fix your problem
Are you running Windows or Mac? You may stipulation to change the peak resolution to show things smaller so they will fit. In Windows go to Start-->Control Panel-->Display. In the Display dialogue box, dance to Settings and change the resolution to 1024 x 768 or sophisticated.

On a Mac, go to the Apple within the upper left corner-->System Preferences. In System Preferences, be in motion to Displays and change your resolution.
Right click on desktop, progress to properties. A display properties window will appear on your peak,

click on the setting tab, there you find a scroll pole for resolution , put the mouse on the arrow drag it to right or left to set the eyeshade size, try to make the resolution to 800x600 or 1024x768, your adjectives icons and window will be of smaller size.

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