Sunday, September 12, 2010

Beryl on intel video card?

ok i own successfully installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my pc along next to windows xp !(dual boot) it worked impeccably fine without any certain problems!so once i tried to install beryl on my ubuntu but my PC crashed and i had to get better everything over! :( so right now i am turning to the BEST and asking if anybody know any kind of tutorial give or take a few how to install beryl onto my PC!!

here is my system info!

OS = Windows XP

Processor info = Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66Ghz

Video device =Intel(R) 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics card

Physical memory = 256mb (RAM)

AGAIN my ubuntu was working without blemish along windows ! and my workstation creates about 800mb of SWAP for ubuntu so i don't have a sneaking suspicion that it should be a problem to run it on my PC! and this might be HANDY i just reinstall ed my OS completely adjectives over again!

Beryl on intel video card?

i have done equal thing, and like thing happen to me while trying to install beryl, however i have an ATI.

when i crashed my ubuntu, i would reinstall the total thing and start again, i am not polite with linux so i really could not go and get down and dirty with modifing things. the suitable thing is, it worked after a few tries, ably worth it.

there are several how to's beside step by step instructions in their pattern site, simply search up their civil servant site.

if your card is not compatible you will have to offer it up.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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